If each of were to contribute one Elbonian leck for each post that you
have made that has been useful to us, then you would be able to go in
style, with luxury hotel, extravagant meals, hookers, champagne,
limousine, parties, AND be able to afford to buy a lot of computer
The exchange rate must be a lot better than I thought.
In return, we would get your educational enrichment
(some of us do see the
value in lifelong learning), maybe some fascinating ACCURATE descriptions
I sitll don't see the beneift of me being there. I can do this just as
well by e-mail.
of what you see there, and you would be familiar with
the event enough to
put together an exhibit for VCF-UK 2.0.
. . . and you are our friend.
FWIW many of my friends are people I've never seen, let alone met...