tempted to try to find one purely for nostalgia reasons.
(Tempted. I probably won't actually do it, unless one more or less
falls into my lap cheap. For one thing, I've been too spoiled since
then by using much more powerful and pleasant languages.)
If you want to run the
old programs and get the feel of the machine
again, I am told there's a pretty good HP98x0 emulator on the web,
and I think it's open-sourve (and maybe written in Java, but I
wouldn't bet on that).
The nostalgia value would come at least in large part from the printer,
the display, the keyboard feel...things no emulator can do.
I also suspect that the machine I used had a bunch of the optional
software ROMs, like the one that provides trig, which I would expect to
also be difficult to find.
Thanks for the tip, though. Perhaps someday.
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