On Nov 20, 2007 9:31 PM, C. Sullivan <feedle at feedle.net> wrote:
. The person who mentioned 1200/7E1 is dead on: the serial port on
the machine (for whatever reason) requires 7 bits, even parity, one
stop. It can't handle baud rates much over 1200 baud: at 9600, for
example, it loses characters.
Somewhere, I even had the original instruction/setup guide, but that
may have been lost to the sands of time.
NAPLS is a pain-in-the-ass protocol to deal with, BTW.
Well, I've now got Telix happily chatting back and forth with the
thing using 1200/7E1, and all seems to be well, except that I can't
seem to get it to display NAPLPS-encoded data. Supposedly, ESC % A
should be the sequence for entering NAPLPS mode, but I seem to get
silent disposal of the ESC character and an echoed % A sequence
instead. It must not start up in a mode where it's prepared to hear
the escape sequences.