On Sat, Dec 3, 2016 at 12:13 PM, Holm Tiffe
<holm at freibergnet.de> wrote:
Hi folks,
I have an HP1631D Logic Analyzer for some years now und got an HP9121
dual Floppy drive that fits to it yesterday.
I've tested the drive, formating disks, storing and reading data ist
working :-)
While reading the Users Manual of the LA I've found out that besides of
storing setup- and configuration data on the disk, there should some
loadable disassemblers for the HP1631D exist on floppies..
The Logic Analyzer is very limited from todays point of view but for
example an Z80 disassembler where nice to have.
Has someone out here such disassemblers (Z180, 8085, 8080, 6809 etc)
for the HP1631D?
I have a 3.5-inch floppy part number 10342-13012 for the 10342B Bus
Preprocessor (HP-IB, RS-232C/V.24, RS-449) for HP1630A/D/G and 1631A/D
logic analyzers. I'll have to create an ImageDisk dump of that floppy.
I also have a tape somewhere if I can find it that is probably for the
either the 6800/6802 10307B (64672B) or 6809/6809E 10308B (64671A)
preprocessor if I remember correctly. I don't have an 82161A HP-IL
tape drive to try to read and dump that tape. If I find that tape I
should send it to someone with a working 82161A HP-IL tape drive and
the means to dump and archive that tape.
Interresting, I've don't even knew that such tape drives existed.
I'm interested in software for that thing, but it seems that I can't do
much to be helpful here.
I'll ask the friend from which I got the disk drive, maybe some tape
drive existis additinally? I've read on wikipedia that the Tapes are
HP-IL only but converters to HP-IB should exists..