I think you're misleading people.
It doesn't make the transition easier at all, in fact, it probably makes it worse.
and btw the mtools and such allow you to work with un*x files just as much as non.
in the end, if they're going to use un*x, they have to learn. there is no other way.
Do you now want to "dumb down" things like:
perl, python, and C? or awk and sed?
How about dumbing-down regular expressions, I mean, after all, those are horribly
I know. let's make a "basic" (programming language) to regular expression
conversion kit!
Why not, I mean, these people are too stupid to figure out that "ls" does dir
and "mv" is rename/move.
The best way to learn a foreign language is through immersion.
Linux for the desktop is a fallacy. You don't want the desktop to look and work like
(BTW theres already a distro for that - Linspire or Xandros for example)
You think people switched to Mac because the Mac CLI can run all DOS commands? it
or that the GUI is identical? it's not.
the point of a distro is not to make it look and feel or work like something else.
it's to -BE- something else.
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2011 14:16:05 +0000
Subject: Re: SOLUTION (Was: Unix handles file extensions "very poorly"?
From: lproven at
To: cctalk at
On 17 December 2011 13:28, Dan Gahlinger <dgahling at hotmail.com> wrote:
Have you tried:
or even (dare I suggest) - dosemu ?
Yes, of course. For manipulating DOS floppies, or for running DOS apps.
But they are, obviously, *not shells.* So, no, I do not use them for
attempting to manipulate Unix files.
Look, Unix/Linux has replaceable shells and comes with a choice of
them: bash, zsh, tcsh, csh, etc. etc. This is well-known.
What I am arguing for is another one, but one that uses a CLI that is
approximately syntax-compatible with that of the industry-leading OS,
the OS that runs on approximately 95% of the desktop, laptop and
server computers in the world and has done for 25y now.
I know that this CLI is less powerful and less flexible and less
capable than the Unix one. I am not arguing that.
What I am arguing is that the Unix one is hard work. It's complex, it
takes time to learn - and, I'd say, a certain mindset, too - and it's
also quite dangerous if you're not careful. It is, as all these "rm *.
o" examples illustrate, very easy to accidentally do things you didn't
mean to because it's so terse and the commands can do so much.
It can do many brilliant and wonderful things that I don't want to do. :?)
But it is often notably poor at /easily/ and /simply/ doing the stuff
I do on a daily or weekly basis, like, say, searching recursively
through users' home directories, finding, moving then later erasing
all the temporary files abandoned by MS Office because it's too crap
to clean up its own detritus after itself or even keep its temp files
in the designate temp-files directory.
If I can specify *.foo as the source of a command then I damned well
want to specify *.foo as the /destination/ of a command as well. I do
not /care/ about how the shell is implemented, I want it to work in a
simple and obvious fashion. If *.foo matches all files called
(something)(full stop)('foo') in one position in the command then it
is natural and obvious that it should /also/ match (something)(full
stop)('foo') in /any other position in the command as well/. It does
on almost every other CLI OS I have ever seen, from RSTS to VMS to
CP/M to DOS to Windows 7. /Pace/ different wildcard operators and
things it does on AmigaOS and Acorn RISC OS and so on as well.
On every Unix shell I've seen (i.e. since the late 1980s), it doesn't.
Because Unix doesn't work that way. It's special. It does things
Well, that's fine. I am not arguing for the removal of all other
shells except my notional DOS-like one. Good gods no.
I'm just saying that, for all its limitations, the DOS-type method
does actually have its uses and indeed its *benefits*. I honestly
think it's easier - easier to learn, easier to use.
And given that DOS-type systems run on 95% of x86 hardware, and that
most people in IT only use DOS-type x86 systems and know nothing else,
then there's a fairly strong case to be made that this way works and
is good enough.
Perhaps it's another instance of the "worse is better" argument.
and seriously this is like saying un*x is crap
I'm not saying it's crap. I'm saying it's more difficult, yes.
because it doesn't have the exact CLI for:
Vax/VMS, Cyber/Prime, Cray, Commodore C64, Amiga, Atari, Sentry/70 or any other ancient
CLI we might have used.
Ah, but none of those sell roughly ten times more than all the Unixes
in the world ever put together, do they? None of those utterly
dominate commercial, charitable and governmental computing. None of
those are the de facto standard, so overwhelming that even the
surviving RISC UNIX boxes today use the buses and the interface
connectors and the video and networking standards, and the storage
media, and the disks and the RAM, *set by the x86 PC.*
or, even better, why can't windows have a
full decent uni*x CLI? cygwin/etc is close but not close enough.
Sure, if that's what you want, fine.
As you say, typical windows users never touch the
CLI or even know it exists, M$ tried to kill the CLI with the "powershell"
and attempt to keep users away from it at all costs.
Users? Yes, in large part. Admins? No, actually, that is changing,
fast. Modern versions of MS server tools are graphical wrappers around
command lines, and when you perform an operation, they show you the
command line first so that you can learn to do it yourself.
The big new thing in Windows servers is the massive engineering effort
to separate out the kernel and the GUI, the server application layers
from the presentation layers. There are now CLI-only versions of
Windows Server (although they retain the windowing system, thus far),
and CLI-only versions of the big server apps, so that you can run them
on headless boxes hosted in VMs and manage them remotely.
Yes, it means MS is trying hard to catch up with where Unix has been
for decades, yes yes. We know.
But still, it's happening. Finally, MS is learning some stuff from the
way things are done on the older OSs, the ones in long trousers that
were established before Tim Paterson even wrote QDOS.
have you ever had a user spell "DIR"
incorrectly?... (sadly, not a joke)
Nope. But I've done it myself. :?)
I've had users (recently!) who can't even
enter a URL! (they didn't know what "www" was - yet somehow use the web
every day)
Oh, yes, absolutely. But they're happy with their GUIs; leave them to
it. I'm talking about a tool to make life easy for the legions of
Windows techies out there to adapt to the proliferation of free
Well, a bit. That's just a thought experiment. Mostly I am trying to
justify my own preferences. :?)
Liam Proven ? Info & profile:
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