I just picked up an RK05AA drive, unknown condition but it appears in good =
shape internally. As I was going through a detailed inspection, I touched t=
he foam that surrounds the air duct that connects to the access door on the=
cartridge, delivering clean air. The foam flaked off and seems to be deter=
iorating. Not as badly as the foam used in Selectric typewriters, which has=
turned to sludge after a few decades, but not something I want releasing p=
articles into an air stream that will flow under the heads.
Is this a known issue with the drives? What do people who restore/repair th=
YEs. As with all foam, it decays with time.
ese do to eliminate this source of contamination into
the cartridge? I woul=
d like to address this before I install a new absolute filter.
Even if you could find a NOS seal (and I did have a few), it will msot
likely have decaysed by now, or at least won't last much longer. But the
foam is not critical, just get something and cut the right shape to fit
the end of the ducght and glue it in place. Should be fine.
There is another foam seal on the input side of th eblowwer, between the
blower and the cardcage. Remove it!. There is plenty of airflow over the
board without it, and if you leave it in place it wil lend up
contaminating the absolute filter. Remove the blower (4 Allen cap screws)
and peel it off.
Any tips for a substitute for the CE pack when I get to the point of loadin=
g heads and adjusting the drive?
Not really. And those of us who ahve the CE packs do lt lend them out
However, unless you want to be able to exchange packs with other drives
there is no need to align the heads.. The drive wil lread and write packs
formated on itself with no problems.
Also, unless you remvoe the heads form the positioner, or dismantle the
optical transducer, or soemthign liek that, there is not really any need
to realign the heads. You can remvoe the compelte positioner, or the
spindle, put them abck and the alignment will be OK. Yes, I know the
manual tells you to check the alignment if you remvoe said parts, and
it;s a good ide to do so if you have the CE pack, but I have never needed
ot adjust anything.