I hav ereverse-engineered this unit (there is no
official schematic in
any of the manuals).
Great! I have plan to do the same, in nobody has already done :)
Alas I have no scanner, so as yet there are no
schematics in eelctronic
form. But I will see if something can be done.
Thanks, thanks and more thanks !
I've never had to repair one, but from what I
remember it is a fairly
conventional design.
In the past I've repaired two, but with very simple damage, one with the
output capacitors die and another with the auxiliary little transformer with
primary coil interrupted.
The circuit work around an old pwm controller, SG3524 of SGS Thomson.
Alberto Rubinelli Mail : alberto at a2sistemi.it
Via Costantino Perazzi 22 Tel 0321 640149
28100 NOVARA (NO) - ITALY Fax 0321 391769
Il mio museo di vecchi computers/My old computers museum
ICQ : 49872318 Skype : albertorubinelli