Title says it all... I picked up a "new"
(still in shrink-wrap)
AboveBoard MC with the intent of using it in my PS/2 model 80 and I'm
having serious issues getting it to function properly.
I've read that the Model 80 has trouble (not sure precisely /what/
trouble) with more than 16mb of memory, but even limiting the AboveBoard
to 4mb is problematic.
Anyone have any ideas? Similar/different experiences?
1. The card is 32 bit not 16 bit MCA? Have to be 32 bits for
stablity and speed in your 386 (model 80 are.), on this reason I went
with 32 bit MCA memory card in my 70-Axx. You need to get a memory
card of 32bit MCA using 72 pin SIMMs. This ram card model you got is
specifically made for 8088 and 286 models.
2. The simms have to be 9 chips ONLY and speed 80ns or less for this
aboveboard/MC. Nothing else will work right on these models. If you
get 32bit MCA ram cards using 72 pin simms, if you got quality
generic ones, modify them to IBM specs by arranging the presence
sense lines via 0 ohm SMD resistors. Info are out there on 'net.
3. That card is good as expanded ram card in 386 machines.
4. You are correct that these older machines have hard 16MB
limitations due to DMA limited to 24bits I think (same as 286) that
as far as I know.
Cheers, Wizard