On 12/3/19 7:51 PM, Craig Ruff via cctech wrote:
Just in case someone else hasn't already
responded, the P112 does not use DOS style fdisk partitioning for a hard disk. It is done
in the BIOS image, and then the logical disks have to be initialized. This is described in
the "P112 GIDE Construction.pdf" document.
I've only used 3.5" floppies, which work fine. You can also attach a PATA CD-ROM
drive and access disks with a program that escapes my memory at the moment.
Along this line I have solved one problem. I mentioned INIT in
RSX180 printing gibberish on the screen when trying to init a
hard disk partition where it had worked on a floppy. Problem
was the size of the partitions. I had tried just making one
partition for the test I learned that FDISK will make partitions
too big for any of the P112 OSes. I now have a hard disk with
5 partitions to play with. On to the next problem.