On Nov 30, 2011, at 9:46 AM, Brian Wheeler wrote:
I've updated the list below, and I've got a
question for everyone.
So, why am I not getting any bites on the machines? Time of year? Economy? Priced too
high? Aliens? Everyone already has one?
I'm genuinely curious because when I've done this before I've managed to
clean out pretty well and this time seemed a little sparse.
For me, it's a combination of the economy and the fact that my wife will kill me if I
bring another system into the house before we move to a bigger one (she doesn't mind
the hobby, but we moved to this house knowing it would be temporary because it's
small, and we're really feeling it).
Personally, I'd love an Amiga or the Ultra 5 (I already have a IIgs), and the prices
are good, but the above reasons do it in for me for now. If you're still selling them
around April (when we hope to have moved to a bigger place), I'll be interested.
- Dave