-> Dick Erlacher said something to the effect:
-> If anybody has a valid [**NOT** Hotmail] address for Will
-> Jennings, please
-> let me know. He asked me to bid on a couple of eBay items
-> for him and now
-> that he's won on them my communication path has broken down
-> due to Hotmail's
-> claim that they {their server} don't exist.
-> Since it's my goal to reduce the amount of ancient computer
-> hardware I have
-> lying about, I'd really rather not become the owner of the
-> electro-ecletica
-> that he wanted.
-> Dick
Don't you fellows learn. This isn't the first time Will has pulled
shenanigans like this after he's been kicked off of eBay.
BTW, here's the requested email address for Will:
'til next time,