Well, I appear to have struck out on the SBUS HVD aproach.
Is it worth pursuing 2944's for use in a U10?
Or, should I just add the storage arrays to the "hazardous
waste" recycling pile and relace them with a few 160G IDE drives?
Zane H. Healy wrote:
At 12:34 AM -0700 5/28/06, Don Y wrote:
Zane H. Healy wrote:
At 4:36 PM -0700 5/27/06, Don Y wrote:
I'm looking for two or three HVD wide SCSI
SBUS cards
to connect some storage arrays to an SS20. Does anyone
have any that they would care to part with?
Depending on what OS you intend to use, you'll want to watch out for
which cards you get. I know most of the ones we used at work
wouldn't work on newer than Solaris 2.6.
Ouch! I didn;t know there were different flavors of HVD cards!
(not to be confused with LVD cards) Are you sure these are
SBUS cards (SPARC) and not PCI cards?
Trust me, I know the difference. :^) Up until two weeks ago when the
last Ultra 2's were retired, I've spent the last 10 years maintaining
some S-Bus systems. It caused some real problems for me 2-3 years ago
when we moved a bunch of the remaining U2's to Solaris 8. Of the ones
I'm aware of, PTI made at least two different cards, neither will work
past 2.6, and Sun made at least two cards, one won't work past 2.6, and
one will work with at least Solaris 8. We originally used SE-to-DIFF
converters, these might be the way for you to go. That way you can use
better supported SE-SCSI controllers, which will work under newer
versions of Solaris. We used these for years on some Auspex fileservers.