From: Guy Sotomayor <ggs at>
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
<cctalk at>
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2013 7:30 PM
Subject: Re: VAX 11/780
I just checked the field maintenance manual for the
11/780.? I was correct in my
earlier statement in that 3-phase is supplied for load balancing.? The power controller
is 3-phase but it splits out the individual phases.? It splits the 3 phases into 4.? Phase
has switched and unswitched outlets.? Phases 2 & 3 are both switched.? Blowers 1 &
are on switched Phase 3.? Blower 2 is on unswitched Phase 1.
In more detail here are the connections (not just the
Phase1 Unswitched:
1. Blower #2
2. H7111 (T.O.D.)
3. PS #4 (MS780)
4. H7112 (memory battery backup)
Phase 1 Switched:
1. 11/03
2. RX01
Phase 2 Switched:
1. PS #3 (CPU)
2. PS #1 (FP780)
3. RX01 fan
4. A.F. Sensor Box
Phase 3 Switched:
1. PS #2 (CPU)
2. Blower #1
3. Blower #3
4. PS #5 (RH780)
This is what I am seeing on the Eng drawings as well. It has a nice visual breakout
of how everything is connected including the blowers. This is good news.