At long last, the 7900A drive is working reliably - and passes all
diagnostics. The dual 2100 cpus are fully tested, as is the processor
interconnect kit.
The last major peripheral I have to get up and running is my 7970E tape
drive - that's being worked on right now.
Soon as that's done - I can start loading the HP2000 Access TSB operating
system. After that system is up, I'll then build an HP2000E system using a
21MX cpu instead; all parts are on-hand for that.
Items I'm still looking for desparately:
The HP2000 IOP firmware for the 21MX cpu's (I have the firmware for 2100's,
but need it for the 21MX's).
Need the diags for the 7970E on paper tape, the newer version that uses the
diagnostic configurator (have 7970E diags, but they're the old
non-configurator style).
System operators guide for 2000E (Al? Eric??, Bob Curtis wants his