On 23 December 2016 at 19:34, Michael Holley <swtpc6800 at comcast.net> wrote:
I was in London in 1981 and happened upon a computer
faire. Here is a
write-up published in Seattle's Northwest Computer Society newsletter. It is
an American's view of the English computer scene.
Very interesting -- thanks for that!
I'm intrigued that although you prefix notate dollars ($300), you
postfix-notate pounds (125?), when Brits prefix too. Any particular
I suspect that that was before the home computer gaming boom, and 2-3y
later things would look rather different.
As a student (1985-1988) I attended launches of the CBM Amiga and
Apple ][GS -- I don't recall exactly when -- but they were vastly out
of my price range. In '85 I was still using a ZX Spectrum with ZX
Microdrives; by '87 or '88 I'd managed to get a floppy interface and a
single 5?" drive (as the media were much cheaper than the new 3?"
diskettes, which were 5?-10? the price).
So even after 16-bit machines started to appear, even fairly serious
hobbyists such as myself continued to use 8-bits & other old-fashioned
tech, as they were massively cheaper.
Liam Proven ? Profile:
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