Pete Turnbull wrote:
Systems that could run CP/M if I made enough effort,
or run CP/M-68K
include an Exidy Sorcerer (with two humungous 5.25" floppies), a Nascom,
a Sage II, and a Commodore 128.
Hmmm, I forgot about my Nascom. Although it's a fair way off being in any fit
state to run anything - I do an hour or so here and there on it...
I also have a BBC Micro with a Torch Z80A "second
processor" (I have two
of these), which runs "CPN", similar to CP/M-in-a-ROM, but some real
CP/M software doesn't run because of the memory map.
I think you could boot CP/N on the Torch 68000 cards (Neptune and Atlas) too -
they have a Z80 on board as well as the m68k chip.
I also have a couple of Teletext adapters for BBC
micros, but alas no
Prestel Adapter (anyone got one? I'd love to have one again, as I
helped debug the software for it)
Noted. I've got one but it's right at the back of everything with around 50
other Acorn machines in front of it (I kid you not) - at some point I'll
unearth it, and I don't see any particular reason to keep it.
Sinclair ZX80
Sinclair ZX80 (with extra RAM)
*two* of them? Make sure they don't breed :-)