On 7/6/11 7:29 AM, John Foust wrote:
Might they let a hobbyist use it to save scans to a
thumb drive?
Even at a buck a page, it would take you a while to get to $15K.
Assuming your time is free.
I spent that much assuming it would have been a load a stack and walk
away operation. It's not. With DEC 48X manuals fiche, you have to set the step
and repeat to overscan, then crop in postprocessing. COM listings aren't
as bad, fortunately, since the bulk of the 11 10 and VAX fiche I have
are listings of some form and were machine generated the positioning
is very accurate.
Also, at that high a magnification, sheet positioning is extremely critical since
the horizontal gap is so small.
A buck a page for a full sheet of 48X COM output would be a good deal if
you could get it through a service bureau for 300 or 400 equivalent DPI.
There are over 100 pages/sheet at 48X.