Hextar wrote:
Indeed...and I was criticized for posting a OT
thread on this list before and here comes a OT
thread that is openly discussed...what gives??? Why was
I flamed while this guy is not? I just don't get it...:(
If you post a thread that is immediately perceived
by everybody as another chapter of Mac.vs PC
flame-bait, and you get flamed, are you surprised?
I'm not innocent myself, but most who post flame-bait
have enough experience to know that they're posting
Speaking as "this guy", I feel that data preservation
(cross-platform) for long periods of time is an interest
shared by many/most on this list, as is storage
(especially storage media and hardware) longevity.
I mean, keeping 40-year-old or older peripherals
up and going is a fine goal. But when it's done to
move the data to more modern media, especially
when it's of interest to classiccmp members, that's
even better.
In fact I strongly believe that storage and
peripherals are far more interesting than CPU's.
I am strongly influenced by the fact that my day
job is working with a $10billion peripheral.
There are a few co-believers with me but
we're not all that vocal or large in numbers.
It is true that most of the industry papers are
very little concerned with history back more than
5 years, and I found it useful to read what
others on this list wrote on the subject.