At 15:17 12/07/2001, you wrote:
Jason Kyle wrote:
Most mice actually start off with quatrature
output position detectors and
are then converted to serial. I had to replace an Amiga2000 mouse once,
ended up removing the mouse chip and wiring the detector outputs straight
into the amiga mouse port - works fine - no PIC required.
True, but like Tony (?) said a while back, most modern PC mice are very
integrated, so separating the quadrature from the serial converter really
isn't feasible, one will have to eventually add some discrete electronics
anyway. Right?
You and Tony are knocking the addition of a simple hex inverter as a quick
and simple method that nearly anyone with basic electronics skills can use
to make a quadrature output mouse, how many people have PIC programmer
lying around? Yes the PIC based converter is the best solution in the
whole world, yes my approach which works and took about 1 hour in total is
crap and shouldn't be used by anyone. No need to respond, there's enough
noise on this damm list already and i've just added to it. Anybody know of
a classic computing list 1. has a better signal to noise ratio and 2. has a
volume suitable for those who don't have copious spare time.
This solution is a bit more lucurious, though, since
the PIC will take the
wheel button and turn it into an Amiga-digestable format.
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