On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 10:40:12AM -0600, Roe Peterson wrote:
I've never been really clear about how the naming
thing works. It
makes sense that an 11/34A with cache would be an 11/34C, but what
does one call an 11/34A with floating point and _no_ cache board?
I've never been convinced that the 11/34C name is real. Yes it's in the
PDP-11 FAQ but I've never seen it in any DEC documentation. Maybe it was an
internal project codename? I think here in the outside world it's just that
the original version was the 11/34, and the redesign that made it possible to
add the KK11A and/or FP11A was the 11/34A, but the name doesn't change again
when you actually add either or both of those options.
I'd imagine that depends on the enclosure type. I
have two, one is
the 9-slot-backplane only (H777 PSU), the other is the full-sized
full height job. I'll have to check into the capabilities of the 5V
PSU on both.
I feel as though I've heard multiple stories about H777s going "foomp" so
I'd be inclined to baby that PSU just to be safe. I've stuffed all kinds
of goodies at once (including a DELUA but I forget whether I tried a DEUNA
pair) into my 10.5" 11/34A+KK11A+FP11A box with no ill effects.
John Wilson
D Bit