On 8/31/07, Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Patrick Finnegan wrote:
It looks
like UCLA AIX archive is being taken offline. Don't know
about existing mirrors at this time, but if you want it now's the
time to get it (before September 4).
Huh? URL?
And is someone sorting out a rescue? :-)
I'm adding a mirror to
I have been planning a clean up of blackcube's archives as it's pretty
disorganized and I also need to add more disk space so I guess this it the
time to get started on those projects.
At this time, I've archived 14.5gb and have a bit over 12gb to go.
James (blackcube)
www.blackcube.org - The Texas State Home for Wayward and Orphaned Computers