From what I can gleen from the two or three places
it's mentioned (abstracts
from technical articles) it supports dual monitors at relatively high
(for the time.) No idea if it's monocrome or color... but sounds
like you should be able to use it if you can get a couple of true Multisync
"Matrox QG-640 video display board installed in the LSI-11/73 computer. Both
high. resolution 512x512 pixel projection images ..."
"QG-640 dual-channel video graphics board interfaced. to two NEC Multisync
monitors. The QG-640 is. capable of displaying two 640- x 480-pixel images
in "
hi Dan
It has two DB9 connectors.
---- On Mon, 19 Jun 2006, Dan Williams (williams.dan at
On 19/06/06, Henry Ji <ying6926 at> wrote:
> I have a
> DEC microvax 1000 with
> Matrox QG-640 card (1985). Does anyone know what matching
monitor it would
work with? I tried
Matrox but no luck. VGA came out around 1987.
Could this be a
EGA card? Does G-640 means monochrom
640 resolution? I googled internet and I see QRGB
card. Analog
VGA graphics card?
Is it the one with just a phono socket. I think this just
connects to
a video monitor. Should work if you plug in to
your tv. If
it's the
one I'm thinking of it is monochrome.