Roy J. Tellason wrote:
On Wednesday 02 August 2006 05:44 pm, Don Y wrote:
I wire each of
these widgets for a specific purpose:
- gender changers (M->F, F->M)
- "null modem", "null terminal" :-/
- Sun "port A/port B" swap
- device specific requirements (some devices use unusual
pins for handshaking, etc.)
- etc.
If you have that info in a file I sure wouldn't mind taking a look at it.
Could come in handy some time. I know I've run across the odd bit now and
Most of the "typical" ones are pretty intuitive. Though
"null terminal" was a bit of a head-scratcher.
Like the DEC printer that was the exact same mechanism
as several others I'd
seen around that time (Apple imagewriter? Some others I can't recall) but
which required one of the handshake lines to be pin 10, or maybe it was 11.
Nothing special about that printer, and it was really pretty slow compared
to a lot of others out there (though not as noisy either), with one
exception -- when you fed it a "*" it printed an actual 5-pointed star. Only
printer I've ever seen that did that. :-)
Some devices put power on certain pins, some devices use pins
for nonstandard reasons, etc.
Instead, I
dynamically fabricate the cable that I need by patching lengths
of straight through M-F cables together. Then, apply whatever combination
of "widgets" are needed on each end (in theory, you only need to do this on
one end but sometimes you need a 25->9 pin adapter and other times its
easier to do some of the "widgeting" on each end instead of having 2 or
three cascaded widgets hanging off one end of the cable)
Just so. Those things stretching out horizontally behind an item of equipment
sometimes doesn't work real well either, so a short cable at that end to let
'em hang might be another option.
Yes, instead of using "9 pin widgets", I use short 9-25 pin
pigtails when I need to make that sort of adaptation for exactly
this reason.
Is there a standard about which parts of that stuff
are supposed to get the
screws and which are supposed to get the little threaded posts and such? I
bumped into hassles with that already, too.
The shells that I have accommodate jack screws on one end -- so
I let that decide where to put each bit of hardware.