From: "Dan" <ragooman at>
Lurker here,
Just keep in mind that as with any other business(and auctions) there's
always a shill to artificially inflate the bidding for an auction. eBay
is notorious for this as they have absolutely no precautions(nor
security) against this. I know because I've found how this done very
easily, anyone who has access to internet can do this. The seller can
easily just as well have numerous eBay screenames/accounts and bid
against his own auction to drive up the price(and act as his own shill).
So what looks like an act of stupidity is easily just a ploy by the
shill to aggravate you into bidding more for his/their product. eBay has
no type of screening whatsoever to prevent this type of thievery. Just
be forewarned.
Most shill's can be noticed by looking at the buyers records.
If they have a lot of buying from the same seller, it is a good
chance that they are a shill. Also a quick check of the sellers
feedback will often find several shill names.
Ebay doesn't seem to do much more than warn the seller when
they are notified. This is even when it is obvious shilling.