;-) Allison J Parent head-scratched, yawned, then typed:
The solution I've used to date is to first strip
the goo off the alumninum
ferrule that is on the drive. Then I found a peice of tygon(vinal) clear
tubing that had the required ID for a tight fit. I cut a ring the width of
the original(cut squarely and clean) and proceded to glue it on using
superglue (cyanoacrylic). then I run it up on a spare motor and grind it
using a emery board. The last step it insure roundness. I've done this
for 6 tu58 drives and it seems to work fine. It's noisier as it's harder
but seems to have enough friction to drive the tape well.
Here's an idea...
[[please note: this is *just* an idea. I don't know the part in question, I
don't know if this will work, I don't know if.... Obviously, YMMV... but
it's an idea. :-) ]]
instead of the vinyl, would a small section of heat-shrink tubing work? Nip
it a little longer than the thickness of said ferrule, then hit it with
some heat. You could sand off the top and bottom if necessary (for
balance?), but if my thoughts aren't way off base, you wouldn't need to
glue it to keep it in place... This should also solve the roundness
adjustment, wouldn't it? (as in -- it should stay in round without
Again, just a thought.
Hope this helps,
Roger Merchberger | If at first you don't succeed,
Programmer, NorthernWay | nuclear warhead disarmament should *not*
zmerch(a)northernway.net | be your first career choice.