I have an HP9836CU (series 9000/200) without monitor cable.
I know it well....
The computer seem to boot up, the monitor, when
powered, has no
That is correct. One of the pins on the DA15 connecotr on the comptuer is
a 12V power ouptu. On the 9836A, it powers the monochtrome monitor. On
the 9836C, it operate s a relay (actually a pair of relaus, for soem
unknown reaosn) on the monitor PSU board, whcih conenct maisn to the rest
fo the SMPSU.
The cable (15 pin Dsub male to male) is pin to pin ?
all pin used ?
It is pin-pin, I can't remembr if all pins are used (but read on...). I
am pretty sure it was special cable, the 3 video signals were wires with
(75 ohm?) coax, the other signals with just palin wires, Oh, and an
overall screen. One source of a suitable cable may be the stuff used in
the UK (and Europe) to make the batter tupes of SCART lead, I think you
van buy that by the metre over here.
I'm going to build the cable, but I'm not sure
about pinout
There is a service manual with circuit diagrams ?
I've found only the manual on the HP Australian museum, but is a board
level manual.
The official service manuals is a boardsapper guide, but there is a
useful appendix giving the pinotus of the conenctors. There are a few
errors in it though (in partciluar, the pinotu for the quad screedn cable
that links the output conenctor on the video board (under the LH disk
drive) to the conenctor on the mothrboard (and thense to the DA15 socket)
is clearly nonsense.
There should be a set of my schematics o nthe same site. They may well be
under the HP9826, the 2 machines are closely related so I preodcued one
set of diagrams to cover the lot. Said diagrams cover the 9826, 9836A
(mono) and 9836C (colour) machines and monitors, and all the CPU boards
I've seen, including the 68010 + MMU board in mu 9836CU.
I didn't waste time and incldue the video cable itself, but there are
diagrams for the motherboard and the monitor backplane which give the
conenctions of the DA15 sockets.
Let me know if you need any help.