Me have a big problem connecting a plotter to a computer, no1 is able to =
help me.
Hopefully you can.
I have a draftmaster 7595A
deeply appreciated if you would offer your help.
People who've been on the end of one of my hardware faultfinding
conversations my think I have ESP, but I can assure you I don't. And
you've not told us much about your system or problem.
There are manuals for the Draftmaster over on
http://www.hpmuseum.net/ ,
including a hardwre manual (which includes exploded diagrams and a
schematic of (At least most of) the processor board (although curiously
nothing on the PSU/motor driver board). And a user manual that tells you
how to set it up and configure it.
ff I'm reading that right, the Draftmaster has both HPIB and RS232
interfaces (2 of the latter). Which are you using?
What is your host computer (on this list it could be _anything_)?
What cable are you using?
What software are you using to drive it? Have you tried the little test
programs in the manual?
Has this setup ever worked?
What's the orobkem you're having?