Yes, happy New Year's everyone.
2017 is the year where I'll give my 60+ computers a health check. For most
the last time this happened was 2015. Not a comprehensive test, but a
switch on, check the video looks ok and is stable, PEEK/POKE the RAM, make
sure all the keys work and storage media is ok. Run them for at least 1/2
hour. Play a game of some sort perhaps. Note any problems.
It gives me a chance to play with my toys! (:
Terry (Tez)
On Sun, Jan 1, 2017 at 8:54 PM, Lars Brinkhoff <lars at> wrote:
Murray McCullough wrote:
Happy computing for 2017!
We have at least two 50-year anniversaries coming up: the first PDP-10
was turned on in March 1967, and the Incompatible Timesharing System
went into operation in July (on a PDP-6).