I am also interested in an M8300 and M8310 for my 8/E, if anyone has a
spare working set they would be willing to sell or trade. My PDP-8/E
*almost* works.
On Wed, Jun 27, 2007 at 10:53:49PM -0500, Paul Anderson wrote:
I have a few extra E and A boxes and most of the
boards for them.
On 6/27/07, Todd Paisley <paisley at erols.com> wrote:
>> > I am a proud new owner of a PDP-8/E. Well, more like the proud new
>owner of
>> > a PDP-8/E chassis with a few boards! I am looking for the M8300 and
>> > CPU boards and memory for it. Does anyone have any of these laying
Mark G. Thomas (Mark at
voice: 215-591-3695