The /45 lives, got a console up with the console emulator today. I never did
get a blinking lights program to show up right, but I'm too embarassed to
admit what likely caused that. But I got a lot of other few instruction
programs to work correctly so I moved on to the DL11 and 9312 setup and got
it all working. Only have 8K of core, but hey, it's a start. Once I get it
to boot from a peripheral I'll take out the loaned cpu set and move mine
back in and see where it chokes.
So now I have a few peripheral questions. I was going to put in an RL02
drive, but I've been advised against putting one in the same cabinet as the
cpu cab is top cooling intake :\ Now I'm moving on instead to hooking up and
testing a LincTape II and a DSD440 drive. I found the docs for the DSD440
drive on bitsavers; my drive is missing the controller to drive cable. From
those docs it appears to be a straight through 2x13 pin berg connector at
each end. Can anyone confirm this? Also, If the DSD440 drive is set for
RX01, will it work with the standard dec boot rom (DX) on the 9312?
Likewise, if it's set for RX02 emulation will it work with the DY boot room
on the 9312? Or does the DSD440 need a unique bootrom?
I also have the LincTape II & controller (&cable), model CO-3000D. However,
I don't see any docs for it on bitsavers and my googling gives tons of stuff
on the Linc, not the LincTape II. Does anyone have docs for the LincTape II
in electronic format? Or better yet... a boot rom for it :>
I have spare boot roms (DP, RP02/03 and DM, RK06/07) that I doubt I'll ever
use and would be available for trade.
Jay West