On Sat, May 05, 2012 at 11:56:35AM -0400, Mouse wrote:
And these
days, USB also helps clean up the mobile phone charger
mess: an increasing number of new phones just use USB with a micro
USB connector instead of every phone needing its very own wallwart
with a very special connector.
The connector is not all there is to it. I recently ran into a device
(not a phone, but it wouldn't surprise me if phones did the same thing)
that, if you plug in the wrong charger, even though the connector is
correct, displays a snarky message about how you have to use the
charger and cable that came with the device, and refuses to charge.
That is someone playing silly games. If you remember, name & shame
please (manufacturer & device) because this nonsense deserves being
The whole damn _point_ of switching to micro USB as the charging connector
is to get rid of the custom chargers and be able to use generic ones ...
Kind regards,
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and
looks like work." -- Thomas A. Edison