The MCM/70, an 8008 based APL machine released in late 1974, used dual
cassette drives as mass storage and swapping device. An amazing engineering
feat for the time and technology. Worked well, albeit s-l-o-w-l-y.
Lee Courtney
On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 4:40 AM, Steven Hirsch <snhirsch at> wrote:
On Sun, 8 Feb 2015, jwsmobile wrote:
Alpha Micro made a card that did backups to VHS.
I had one of those for ISA bus. Sellam bought it from me about ten years
ago. Hope it didn't end up with the vultures who cleaned out his storage
Corvus had a thing called the bank, and I think they also had a gizmo to
> do the tape backup to video tape. The Bank device was just a product they
> did for whatever reason.
I have a case of Bank tapes somewhere and a backup device. The interface
> was a Corvus network connection.
The Bank used an oddball proprietary cartridge that operated in a
continuous loop like an 8-track tape.
I have three working (last time I checked) Bank drives and a number of
100MB capacity tapes. They also made a 200MB tape, but I've never been
able to get my hands on one.
A friend of mine once claimed that the Bank tape and transport was
originally designed by Akai as their entry into the VCR market. If true,
this would be the first analog video format I've ever heard of that
switched tracks at the end the loop :-).
Lee Courtney
+1-650-704-3934 cell