Just thought I'd mention my visit to the Science Museum,
London last week. They've opened a new gallery "Making
The Modern World", which includes such items as
the Apollo 10 capsule, some bubble cars and the first video
recorder. They have some computer artefacts I've not seen
there before, as well as the Babbage engine and NPL Pilot
ACE that I've seen before. One of the new items was an
Apple I, nicely arranged with the cover opened to show the
internals. Nearby was a Cray 1A, also with some of the
covers removed. In the domestic appliances display was an
Apple ][, a Sinclair ZX80 and some games consoles.
Meanwhile, I've been given a collection of Byte magazines
going back to 1981, at least. But I had to give up on the
HP ColorPro plotter that's been in the skip (dumpster) all
over Easter and seems to be rather the worse for wear.
John Honniball
Email: John.Honniball(a)uwe.ac.uk
University of the West of England