John C. Ellingboe wrote:
jim wrote:
If I can locate and dig enough stuff out of the pile I can make
you a copy. How quick do you need it?
I am going to try to boot it from a hard drive I have but if that fails
I want to see if I can read some Computer Automation diskettes
which I have current possesion of. I may not be able to use the
box to read them, but data I have on them right now suggests I
Any thoughts on the list as to how to archive the data? I know
that Lars H. is going to do his thing, and owns them, but more
ideas would be welcome.
I think they are pretty vanilla system distribution diskettes, so
hopefully CA had sense enough to use a "lower common denomentator"
format, and not some exotic 1mb double sided double density
format. The hardware we have suggests we have a single
density 8" drive set, but I want to copy them sooner than I
may be able to learn how to with the CA hardware.
Since I don't own the hardware, I don't have final call on
that anyway (owned by Lars, but in my temporary posession).
I would not want to use a single system like this to try
to copy the software anyway, just in case something was
in the mood to burn up. Though the system came from
a recently supported site, that site is no longer a viable
place to get something repaired, so Lars' pile of hardware
will soon be the best resource around, I suspect.
I appreciate your effort to get me the diskettes for the
Alspa. I can wait a bit at this point. I'll also let you know
if any of the other parallel efforts to get the diskettes
copied pays off too. This is just one avenue I can take,
since I have a couple of working Alspa's. I just don't
know if I put a boot on the corvus disk I dug up and
whether it will boot or not. The whole pile was burried,
and I foolishly didn't make sure a well labeled 8" disk
got saved with the hardware, for this exact circumstance.
All my 8" diskettes are in another state and not easily
searchable right now.
I'll get the front end loader started on the pile since it may
take a bit. I haven't used any of the Alspa systems in a while
so I hope they still work properly. I take it that you need
their standard dsdd 1.2M boot disk.