everything old is new again...
Actually one would only need to double the video lines
and hsync, not vsync (though you could, given the
monitor could handle 120hz refresh).
But as an answer to my own question (not really), I
got this from the electronics_101 yahoo group:
Re: [Electronics_101] frequency doubling
Check the monitor specs (not on the box either, check
out a web
site). I have a newer Dell LCD Flat screen working
with an old PC that
has a CGA adapter. I had to make an adapter plug to go
from a DB9 to
DB15HD. The CGA scan rate was I
think 30Hz or 60Hz,
and 15kHz horiz
(it's been a while). But most moniters can handle many
scan rates.
--- Chris M <chrism3667 at yahoo.com> wrote:
Isnt this a relatively simple matter? There wont a
circuit that halves the duration/doubler the freq of
digital signals be run of the mill?
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