On Wed, 2 Jul 1997, COMMPUTERSEUM/Kevin Stumpf wrote:
>Sam Ismail wrote:
> One of the
>> systems he mentioned he had was a Video Brain. Apparently this is a
>> video game system. I *think* I vaguely remember hearing about this
>> system. At any rate I'm curious about it and was wondering if anybody
>> knew what it was as we both had too much tequila for him to describe and
>> for me to comprehend it.
>Video brain was made by a firm called UMTECH, used a microprocessor
>called F8 and had 1 to 4K of RAM memory. It was possible to store the
>data on cassette and, you are right there, it had many plug-in
>cartridges with games on them. It was sold mainly through departments
>stores and specialty electronic stores (at least that is what "A
>Collector's guide to personal computers" book has to say about it)
>I remeber reading a little blurb about Video Brain in the April 1981
Computing. Essentially, by that time the company had gone out
of business. . .
I have in my posession a Video Brain home Computer, It is in mint
condition, however I cannot find anything on the internet about it.
I see listings on some of the collectors web sites but no pictires or
even anyone that has one in their posession.
Can you help me find information on this apperently rare home computer.
Thank you for your input..
Phil Clayton