I finally got an hour free to dig back into my /45
restoration. Thanks to
some spare boards to help test and some very good "CE quickdocs" (thanks a
million ashley!), I got a little further. However, it brings me to two
1) In the absence of full docs on the MF11-L... I'm not sure about the
following. It looks like the 1st slot of the MF11-L backplan gets a unibus
in (A-B) from the last slot of the cpu backplane. The 2nd slot is my G110,
the 3rd is my G231, and the 4th slot has my H214 (C-F) in it. But looking
some of the docs, it appears that an H214 can be in
slots 1, 4, and a few
others per the diagram. My system arrived with one H214 in slot 4. Should
be first... in slot 1 under the unibus in? Since I had
a spare from
I put one in slot 1 and one in slot 4. I know the
jumpers on the other
boards may not reflect 16K, but I figured it might change things. So if I
have just 8K set up, should the H214 be in slot 1, 4, or does it matter?
Jay, I think I have all the original documentation on the MF11-L, both the
field maintenance prints and the user manual. I'll double check, but I do
believe that these came with my 11/35.