At 10:49 AM 3/14/97 -0500, Sean wrote:
I try to use the machines I have, and my big project
right now is to
implement my own OS for them. Most of my machines (with the exception of
three) are in good working condition. One needs a replacement harddrive
What's a harddrive??
I use my atari just about every day. Thanks to some of the emulators, I
still use a program that I wrote about 13 years ago. It's a program to list
out the important things I have to do each day. It's a really old
scheduler, but it's easy to use, and works like a charm.
If anyone knows or has an eprom burner or information about burning
cartridges on the atari, I would appreciate hearing from them. My dad has a
RomMax 4G Universal Eprom Programmer at work, and we cant seem to read the
eproms from any cartridge. I would like to figure this out, maybe there is
a proprietary scheme, but we can't seem to figure it out. I would also like
to acquire my own eprom burner, so anyone with a cheap no frills one for
sale, please let me know. Of course, it would help if it could read these
atari roms.
Thanks in advance.
Isaac Davis