It was thus said that the Great Wayne M. Smith once stated:
William Henry Gates, III was able to leverage
advantage he had, and he
Well leveraging, that's different. If you use your
monopoly power in one market (such as OS) to exclude
competition in another market (browser) then that's a
no-no. Perhaps that's what Richard intended.
It's been alleged (several times) that Microsoft has used their power over
the operating system to exclude competition in applications (MS-<operating
system> <version> isn't done until <competition application>
doesn't run).
Several examples are MS-DOS/Lotus 1-2-3, Windows/DR-DOS, Windows/OS/2 and
Windows/Netscape. The most evidence I've ever seen has been the first,
MS-DOS (either 1.1 or 2.0) and Lotus 1-2-3.
-spc (Leverage, use of monopolistic power, what's the difference? Even
Scott McNealy of Sun has publically stated he covets the power
Microsoft has.)