Dave McGuire wrote:
Mmmm, TU56, one of my favorite devices. It makes me
feel really old
when I think that I've had mine for 24 years now; I got it when I was
16. Its left transport has become flaky; I'll be digging into that
soon. Even with a TD8E they're really sweet drives. I'd love to find
a TC08 someday.
Interesting, the right transport of my TU56 was acting up last week. I
originally thought it was the dual voltage controller, but it was OK on
the bench. After trying a couple of times it magically began to work.
There was either a bad solder joint or it was a bad connector. After
that I went through the adjustments and got rid of all the tape slap on
the left drive. I had gotten used to using the right drive because the
tape slap on the left was so bad.
And it's so nice to be back on-topic. :)
So what can you do with a TC08 that you can't do with a TD8e? I would
like to have a TC08 also, but with OS/8 it does not gain me much
function. Or does it?
I would like to get an RTS/8 system running. I have several digital I/O
boards and would like to have some analog too, but I haven't come up
with a system to control.