On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 12:52 PM, Richard <legalize at xmission.com> wrote:
Interesting! ?I'd have thought scrolling was a
bare minimum for a CRT
terminal. ?So did it wrap around to the top or what?
I think I've seen some non-ANSI dumb terminals that could clear the
screen (^L perhaps?) and fill the screen, but then, the text piled up
on the bottom line if your code didn't re-clear the screen.
Do you remember brand names?
I do not. Take my memories as just that - and possible inaccurate or
at least incomplete.
For its time,
not bad and certainly useful--and certainly enough for
most editors and applications.
IIRC, one of the first "visual editor" software was a set of macros
for TECO on a VT52. ?The predecessor of emacs.
Yep. I used that a lot under OS/8. It's why I bought a VT52 in the
first place (the VT52 emulation on the VT220 didn't quite work right -
I was originally using a VT220 because of the built-in 20mA
current-loop, and for glass-tty apps, it worked just fine). ISTR
paying around $50 for a VT52 in 1986, plus shipping, probably bought
from Newman Computer Exchange in MI.