that. However, someof the things I said still apply.
For example, when
a DZ11 goes bad, do you actually fix the board (I assume, of course,
that you use DZ11s)?. It does not really make sense to, from a
business perspective, since good ones are common as dirt and quite
Well, think of this :
1) 90-odd% of DZ11 failures are defective RS232 driver/receiver chips,
probably damaged by spickes induced on the RS232 cabling
2) You can troubleshoot that fault in a few minutes _at most_ using a
logic probe or mulitmeter
3) The chips are cheap and easily availble. They're pin-through-hole
DIPs. Dike out the old one and solder in a new one.
4) I keep said chips in stock. If I happen to run out, I know a shop in
London where I can buy some more. I don't know any DEC parts brokers
where I could buy a DZ11 board as quickly.
Now what do you think I'm going to do?