On Nov 21 2005, 22:27, Jules Richardson wrote:
BBC BASIC used P. too, although the manual in front of
me suggests
that it
wasn't until version 4 (circa 1985 probably) - I
don't think prior
supported token abbreviations (version 3 may have;
this was produced
for the US market).
No, all versions, from the original 1981 version, support
The '?' token was used by BBC BASIC for peek
and poke as I recall.
Yes, that's right. '?' for byte values, and '!' for word values.
could do interesting things with them. For example,
?&400=0 means poke zero into (hex)0400
but &400?1=0 means poke zero into the address 1 higher than &400 --
this is useful if you replace either the '1' or the '&400' in my
example with a variable, and use it in a loop. Or set a variable to
the address of some buffer or control block, and then fill specific
entries in the control block with values:
800 DEF PROCdiskaccess
810 returncode=10:parm?drive:parm!1=buffer
820 IF format THEN PROCformatparms:GOTO 850
830 parm?5=3:IF rnotw THEN parm?6=&53 else parm?6=&4B
840 parm?7=track:parm?8=sector:parm?9=&21
850 A%=&7F:X%=parm:Y%=0:CALL OSWORD
[ result code processing and display here ]
which is a piece of a disk sector editor program I wrote in November
1982 (according to the REMs at its head). That particular bit is the
procedure to set up a parameter block at an address "parm" (defined
further up the program) and call an OS routine called OSWORD which with
7F in A (and the address in X and Y, in this case it's in zero page)
calls the routine that accesses the 8271 disk controller. "CALL" in
BBC BASIC copies the variables A%, X%, and Y% into the obvious 6502
registers and does a JSR to the address following the "CALL" keyword.
All of which has very little to do with '?' as shorthand for PRINT!
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York