> But, there are things that you can do now that
weren't possible, or at
> least not feasible, back then (whenever THAT was)
> Such as:
> A routine meeting schedule announcement with dancing kangaroos and
> yodelling jellyfish, or
On Mon, 3 Jun 2013, Liam Proven wrote:
More to the point, run, in a cross-platform manner
that works well on
Linux, Mac and Windows plus phones, a web-based app that everyone can
use to schedule meetings and perform online collaboration, using FOSS
on the client and freeware online services.
That is a rather big deal, actually.
There are some things that need the additional capacity, speed, etc. That
would be one. So would image editing. Some web browsing, although I have
plenty of gripes about "information" websites that are obsessed with
"style" at the expense of providing the information that they are for.
My specific example about adornment of a meeting announcement was really
more a gripe about how some users (college administrators) abuse features.
(relevant here in terms of existence of not necessarily useful features)
One of the administrators at the college that I worked at for 30 years
(until last week!) creates overly elaborate imagery for simple content
("curriculum committee Thursday 10:30, room 451"), then prints it out,
SCANS that, and attaches the scanned image to an email with Subject: "FYI"
and body of "See the attachment". He vetoed having an Information Science
in response to the state mandate that we should teach "information
competency", on the grounds that everybody on campus is already
"information competent".
law predicts that software will expand faster than hardware, to
occupy all available resources, and then some.
:?) Interesting usage of it.
Alas, writing "efficient" software seems to be rejected on the grounds
1) "Modern compilers optimize better than a human possibly could"
2) "The upcoming round of machines will be so fast that there is no need
to bother with that stuff" (being efficient)
When I taught beginning Data Structures And Algorithms, I always got a few
students who rejected the idea of being efficient ("throw hardware at
it"), and specifically objected to spending an entire 3 hour class session
on how to create algorithms for sorting and searching datasets too big to
fit into memory ("just get a bigger computer and load it all into a single
array in memory!")
The thing is that Moore's Law stopped delivering
100% more CPU power
every 18mth in about 2007 or so. Since then, we just got more cores
for a few years, then incremental tweaks: the return of
Hyperthreading, better cacheing, better branch prediction, improved
MMX, etc. - small, incremental improvements. It's gaining maybe 10-15%
every 18mth now.
But, the exponential growth part of the curve was a helluva ride!
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin at