We'll see about that ..... so far they hired one "personality" and they
haven't said a single word about how
Byte.com will be different from any
other gadget site. My guess is they're out of new ideas to be competitive,
so they're throwing poop at a wall to see what sticks.
That was my first response, but after rereading the press release, they
might have an angle that works. The difference between the new BYTE and the
gadget publications is that BYTE appears to target only the enterprise
market--the people who evaluate and implement new technology in big
companies. If they don't just focus on features and do meaningful deep dives
not only into the technology, but how it integrates with existing systems,
they could offer unique value in the same mold as the old BYTE.
That's a big if, but I'm withholding judgment until I see what they produce.