The same hardware group is also going to be tasked with supporting the
Tandem software if they bail from the Itanic. Last time I knew about
that group they were in the same building and working together.
I think the more interesting design to figure out will be that one. I
think they still support the same sort of execution model with Itanium
as they did with the original hardware.
On 8/9/2012 2:45 PM, Eric Smith wrote:
David Griffith wrote:
With the Itanium circling the drain, it seems
like it would be a Good
Idea to port VMS to a different processor -- like maybe AMD64. Does
anyone know anything about this beyond what the FreeVMS people are
I'd be completely astounded if HP hasn't had an x86_64 port of VMS
running for at least five years now. However, it would OF NECESSITY
be an incredibly well-kept secret, and we would never hear of it until
HP is ready to publicly admit that the Itanic is sinking. I'm not
expecting that for at least another few years.