Hi all,
I'm now starting on the Jupiter Ace again and I've got one really big
question that's been bugging me for a while. How the heck does the Jupiter
Ace display *graphics* on-screen? It looks like the chargen is text-only and
there's no way 256 characters can cover the entire screen. Does anyone know
how Jupiter Cantab pulled this off? My Z80 is *very* rusty - otherwise I
would have disassembled the ROM and found out myself.
And yes, the Ace is well on its way to getting fixed. I need to rebuild
a few vias and replace some IC sockets, but it should work by the time I'm
finished with it.
I also need a 32-ohm speaker, circular, about 1 inch in size
edge-to-edge. Has anyone got a spare for sale? These same speakers were
*apparently* used in some of the Sinclair machines (Spectrum and ZX-series