I recently acquired an HP 9895A 8" floppy drive and was wondering if
anyone has user, service, or programming manuals.
If I pop off the front cover there is a numeric dial switch, maybe
that is simply the HP-IB address. There are also a couple of test
switches. I wonder what those do.
Anyone know for sure whether or not it is natively supported by an HP
Integral PC? I'll probably give that a quick try as soon as I have a
I'd also like to try hooking it up to my HP 1000 which has an 12821A
interface card. This is supposed to be a supported boot device with
the 12992H loader rom.
I can look at the 12992H loader rom source and figure out how to read
the first sector from the drive, but it would be nice to have complete
programming information for the drive. Apparently the 9895A is an
Amigo protocol drive, not a CS/80 drive. Does anyone have a generic
Amigo protocol spec, or a 9895A specific HP-IB protocol spec?