Rumor has it that Wolfe, Julian may have mentioned these words:
Hey everyone,
Are any of you interested in a group purchase of MCM68766 EPROM chips?
These are used in M8189s and possibly in some other DEC equipment. I'm
looking to upgrade my M8189 to a -BJ with these chips.
I have a metric buttload of these suckers at home... those and the
MCM68764's ( I have more '64s, but out of almost 10Kg of 'em, I'm sure I
could find more than enough '66s ;-)
There's one caveat: There in Panasonic HHC carriers, with a decoupling cap
on the power pins already. So, to use them in a standard DIP socket, you'd
need to unwrap the pins from the carrier & desolder the cap. It needs to be
done carefully, but certainly doable - I used a few on a CoCo1 - I
'unwrapped' 8 chips one time, and 7 survived no problem.
Unfortunately the places that sell them are asking for
a $150-200 minimum
That's way too much... I'm cheap (at least that's what my wife says.)
;-) If you want *me* to extract & erase the suckers, I won't be quite so
cheap, but certainly not near that pricetag.
How many do you actually need?
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers
zmerch at
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