sounds like you claim you said "The M8189 was
available as two versions,
the M8186 and the M8189". Isn't that like saying "The Mercedes is
available as two versions, the Mercedes and the Chrysler"? Yeah, sure,
they might share some things in common, but they *aren't* the same
board by any stretch of the imagination!
Humm, now we mutate into grammer. Are you telling me I didn't mean what I
wrote or didn't write what I meant? You try composing on this damm telnet
link. Editing usually adds lots of minutes waiting for the stinking thing
to catch up... Then I post and it doesn't look like the edited copy... And
control-Ls are just too slow. Side effect of being a full area code away
from the ISP..
Anywho, in the Qbus -11 family of 11/23s there are distinct members that
are different. If that wasn't clear what is?